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Startseite Sortiment Referenzstandards und Chemikalien in kleinen Me... High Purity Standards (HPS) Wasser-Standards Primär- und Sekundärtrinkwasser

Primär- und Sekundärtrinkwasser

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Primary Drinking Water Metals. Two solutions (A & B). Each solution 100 mL. Contains:(µg/mL) Solution A: Silver at 10, Barium, Cadmium, Selenium at 50, Arsenic, Chromium, Lead at 100 in 2% HNO3 + Trace HF. Solution B: Mercury at 20 in 5% HNO3. 12 months expiry date. Traceable to NIST SRM 31XX series. ISO 9001:2015 certified, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 17034:20166 accredited.
Artikel-Nr.: DWPS-100
  331,00 €*

Alle Angebote nur für gewerbliche Anwender & Institutionen, zzgl. MwSt. & Versand

Primary Drinking Water Metals. Two solutions (A & B). Each solution 250 mL. Contains:(µg/mL) Solution A: Silver at 10, Barium, Cadmium, Selenium at 50, Arsenic, Chromium, Lead at 100 in 2% HNO3 + Trace HF. Solution B: Mercury at 20 in 5% HNO3. 12 months expiry date. Traceable to NIST SRM 31XX series. ISO 9001:2015 certified, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 17034:20166 accredited.
Artikel-Nr.: DWPS-250
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Alle Angebote nur für gewerbliche Anwender & Institutionen, zzgl. MwSt. & Versand

Primary Drinking Water Metals. Two solutions (A & B). Each solution 500 mL. Contains:(µg/mL) Solution A: Silver at 10, Barium, Cadmium, Selenium at 50, Arsenic, Chromium, Lead at 100 in 2% HNO3 + Trace HF. Solution B: Mercury at 20 in 5% HNO3. 12 months expiry date. Traceable to NIST SRM 31XX series. ISO 9001:2015 certified, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 17034:20166 accredited.
Artikel-Nr.: DWPS-500
  646,00 €*

Alle Angebote nur für gewerbliche Anwender & Institutionen, zzgl. MwSt. & Versand

Secondary Drinking Water Metals. 100 mL. Contains:(µg/mL) Copper, Manganese, Zinc at 50, Iron at 100 in HNO3. 12 months expiry date. Traceable to NIST SRM 31XX series. ISO 9001:2015 certified, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 17034:20166 accredited.
Artikel-Nr.: DWSS-100
  329,00 €*

Alle Angebote nur für gewerbliche Anwender & Institutionen, zzgl. MwSt. & Versand

Secondary Drinking Water Metals. 250 mL. Contains:(µg/mL) Copper, Manganese, Zinc at 50, Iron at 100 in HNO3. 12 months expiry date. Traceable to NIST SRM 31XX series. ISO 9001:2015 certified, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 17034:20166 accredited.
Artikel-Nr.: DWSS-250
  377,00 €*

Alle Angebote nur für gewerbliche Anwender & Institutionen, zzgl. MwSt. & Versand

Secondary Drinking Water Metals. 500 mL. Contains:(µg/mL) Copper, Manganese, Zinc at 50, Iron at 100 in HNO3. 12 months expiry date. Traceable to NIST SRM 31XX series. ISO 9001:2015 certified, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 17034:20166 accredited.
Artikel-Nr.: DWSS-500
  491,00 €*

Alle Angebote nur für gewerbliche Anwender & Institutionen, zzgl. MwSt. & Versand