Hollow cathode lamp, Au/Ag, 37mm / 1.5", standard, Heraeus type 3QNY/Au/Ag

Pictures shown are for illustration purposes only and may vary from the actual product in shape, colour and design
Product no.:80014810
Manufacturer:Heraeus Noblelight
443.00 €*


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This product corresponds in its technical data to the alternative products from other manufacturers shown on this page and is therefore a suitable replacement for them.

  • similar to products from:their order number:
  • Buck Scientific
    •  4307
  • Cathodeon
    •  3QNY/Au/Ag
  • Unicam
    •  9423 393 21431

Technical Data

Property Value
Diameter 1.5" / 37 mm
Element(s) Au/Ag
Coded no

Browse this category: Multi-element lamps