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Home page Products UV/VIS/IR cuvettes and solid-state calibration ... Solid state calibration standards Wavelength accuracy - UV/VIS and NIR

Wavelength accuracy - UV/VIS and NIR

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Holmium Oxide Glass wavelength accuracy calibration standard (241.5-637.5nm)
Product no.: FF-WAV-1-UV_VIS
  1,056.00 €*

All offers for business people and public entities only. VAT and shipping, where applicable, are in addition.

Didymium Glass combined UV/VIS wavelength (329-875nm) and UV photometric accuracy (270-340nm) calibr
Product no.: FF-WAV-7-UV_VIS
  1,041.00 €*

All offers for business people and public entities only. VAT and shipping, where applicable, are in addition.